Category: Blog

How Are Our Values Created?

How Are Our Values Created?

How Our Values Are Created? As I reflect on the role of religion in shaping our values, I am drawn into a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between faith and morality. Having been...

Personal Interpretation of Hinduism

Personal Interpretation of Hinduism

In the vast and intricate tapestry of Hinduism, a religion as old as civilization itself, lies a fascinating phenomenon: the diversity of interpretation and practice among its adherents. As a keen observer and participant...

From “Is” to “Ought”

From “Is” to “Ought”

From “Is” to “Ought,” The world unfolded before me like a dusty scroll, each line etched with the facts of existence. Stars traced their fiery paths across the night sky, a testament to the...

Don’t be fooled by the money myths

Don’t be fooled by the money myths

Okay, here’s the lowdown on the myth that money solves everything. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Not by a long shot. Let me tell you, I’ve seen more problems solved with a well-timed pun than...

Smiling: The Ultimate Social Weapon

Smiling: The Ultimate Social Weapon

Smiles Are Tricky Little Devils. Ah, the smile! It’s like the Mona Lisa of human expressions – shrouded in mystery, capable of a thousand interpretations. You can flash one at a stranger, share one...

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Kids

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Kids

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered how all the sparkly stars got there? Or maybe you felt super happy helping a lost puppy find its way home? That feeling,...

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Adults

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Adults

Spirituality often gets shrouded in mystery, conjuring images of monks chanting or following strict religious doctrines. But for me, it’s a far more personal and transformative journey. It’s about cultivating a sense of connection...

The Teachings of Murshid Kamil

The Teachings of Murshid Kamil

This narrative explores the teachings of Murshid Kamil in the context of Sufi mysticism, emphasizing key lessons such as love, self-awareness, humility, compassion, perseverance, and the transformative power of silence. It reflects on how...