Monthly Archive: March 2024

A Heartfelt Tribute to Mr. Ashok Bhatnagar

A Heartfelt Tribute to Mr. Ashok Bhatnagar

The Whistle Still Blows The old railway station clock ticked rhythmically, its hands tracing a path I knew all too well. But today, the familiar rhythm felt off-beat, a discordant note in the symphony...

A Hindu’s Harmony in a World of Faiths

A Hindu’s Harmony in a World of Faiths

A Hindu’s Harmony in a World of Faiths Imagine a bustling marketplace. Spices fill the air, fabrics in a riot of colors catch your eye, and the chatter of a hundred conversations weaves a...

How Are Our Values Created?

How Are Our Values Created?

How Our Values Are Created? As I reflect on the role of religion in shaping our values, I am drawn into a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between faith and morality. Having been...

Personal Interpretation of Hinduism

Personal Interpretation of Hinduism

In the vast and intricate tapestry of Hinduism, a religion as old as civilization itself, lies a fascinating phenomenon: the diversity of interpretation and practice among its adherents. As a keen observer and participant...

From “Is” to “Ought”

From “Is” to “Ought”

From “Is” to “Ought,” The world unfolded before me like a dusty scroll, each line etched with the facts of existence. Stars traced their fiery paths across the night sky, a testament to the...

Don’t be fooled by the money myths

Don’t be fooled by the money myths

Okay, here’s the lowdown on the myth that money solves everything. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Not by a long shot. Let me tell you, I’ve seen more problems solved with a well-timed pun than...

Smiling: The Ultimate Social Weapon

Smiling: The Ultimate Social Weapon

Smiles Are Tricky Little Devils. Ah, the smile! It’s like the Mona Lisa of human expressions – shrouded in mystery, capable of a thousand interpretations. You can flash one at a stranger, share one...

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Kids

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Kids

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered how all the sparkly stars got there? Or maybe you felt super happy helping a lost puppy find its way home? That feeling,...

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Adults

What Is Spirituality? A Primer For Adults

Spirituality often gets shrouded in mystery, conjuring images of monks chanting or following strict religious doctrines. But for me, it’s a far more personal and transformative journey. It’s about cultivating a sense of connection...